
Granny's secret crumble recipe...

A crumble can be made with fruit (apples, pears, peaches, blackberries, raspberries... separately or mixed together but no more than 2 types at a time) or vegetables (leeks, courgettes, pumpkins, aubergines, carrots).

+ For an apple crumble you'll need:

- 5 big apples
-125 grammes of butter
-100 grammes of flour 
-100 grammes of powdered sugar
-some cinnamon powder to spray on top

+ Recipe:

1°-peel the apples and cut them into small pieces ; put them in a buttered dish ; spread the cinnamon on top
-cook in the oven for 1/4 of an hour

2° for the "crumble"
-mix flour and sugar together;
-add butter and mix to obtain big lumps;
-spread on the apples and some cinnamon on top;
-put back in the oven for about 1/4 of an hour until it gets brown and "crispy"

+ Now you can add fresh cream or custard to appreciate even more !

"Bon appétit!"

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