
Let's follow the example of the South-Koreans!

Click HERE to view the BBC video!

Questions on the video:
  1. Why do you see more fat people in South Korea these days?
  2. What is "healthy" according to the first cook interviewed?
  3. Why does the second street food vendor not have to worry about her weight?
  4. What, according to the third person interviewed, are the differences in eating habits between Koreans and Westerners?
  5. Would YOU adopt a Korean-style diet?!


What is the top New Year's resolution?

Obesity in developing world quadruples (BBC video)
Read and listen to a BBC report on the huge increase in obesity!

Questions on "Huge increase in obesity":
  1. How many overweight people are there in the world?
  2. Why has the number of overweight people quadrupled in countries like Mexico?
  3. In which country are traditional meals low-fat?
  4. How successful would taxing fizzy drinks be in France do you think?