
Beer not just for blokes... By Gael

We already know that drinking a glass of red wine might be good for your health... Well, a new study has shown that drinking a pint of beer every day is not a bad habit! In fact, beer is rich in silicone and this silicone is thought to prevent osteoporosis, which affects women after the menopause. 

So, Ladies, let's enjoy the match together, but, of course, only one pint... Cheers!


Granny's secret crumble recipe...

A crumble can be made with fruit (apples, pears, peaches, blackberries, raspberries... separately or mixed together but no more than 2 types at a time) or vegetables (leeks, courgettes, pumpkins, aubergines, carrots).

+ For an apple crumble you'll need:

- 5 big apples
-125 grammes of butter
-100 grammes of flour 
-100 grammes of powdered sugar
-some cinnamon powder to spray on top

+ Recipe:

1°-peel the apples and cut them into small pieces ; put them in a buttered dish ; spread the cinnamon on top
-cook in the oven for 1/4 of an hour

2° for the "crumble"
-mix flour and sugar together;
-add butter and mix to obtain big lumps;
-spread on the apples and some cinnamon on top;
-put back in the oven for about 1/4 of an hour until it gets brown and "crispy"

+ Now you can add fresh cream or custard to appreciate even more !

"Bon appétit!"