
A new vegetable: pizza! By Adam

This article was written by Lizz Winstead for The Guardian, on the 18th November 2011. It deals with the American Congress's vote which allows pizza to be considered as a vegetable in school dinners... Is the health of America's children in danger ?

In my opinion, American politicians voted for this law under pressure from the frozen food industry's lobby. I think this attitude is unbelievable. Law-makers put children's health in danger. In fact, it is the lobbies that make the Law in that country !

But, are our school dinners any better ? Our pizza is still called pizza, but do French teenagers have a balanced meal at lunch times for all that ?


An apple a day keeps the doctor away... By Julie

My mother uses this English expression about once a day, to encourage me and my father to eat fruit and vegetables, because she knows that her "wondeurfool" English accent is the best way to make vegetables "fun" and easier to eat ! 

In 2008 there was 1.5 billion overweight people in the world, and this number has not stopped increasing... At least in France the health campaign manger bouger is doing wonders to (some) people's diet...


Beer not just for blokes... By Gael

We already know that drinking a glass of red wine might be good for your health... Well, a new study has shown that drinking a pint of beer every day is not a bad habit! In fact, beer is rich in silicone and this silicone is thought to prevent osteoporosis, which affects women after the menopause. 

So, Ladies, let's enjoy the match together, but, of course, only one pint... Cheers!


Granny's secret crumble recipe...

A crumble can be made with fruit (apples, pears, peaches, blackberries, raspberries... separately or mixed together but no more than 2 types at a time) or vegetables (leeks, courgettes, pumpkins, aubergines, carrots).

+ For an apple crumble you'll need:

- 5 big apples
-125 grammes of butter
-100 grammes of flour 
-100 grammes of powdered sugar
-some cinnamon powder to spray on top

+ Recipe:

1°-peel the apples and cut them into small pieces ; put them in a buttered dish ; spread the cinnamon on top
-cook in the oven for 1/4 of an hour

2° for the "crumble"
-mix flour and sugar together;
-add butter and mix to obtain big lumps;
-spread on the apples and some cinnamon on top;
-put back in the oven for about 1/4 of an hour until it gets brown and "crispy"

+ Now you can add fresh cream or custard to appreciate even more !

"Bon appétit!"


Binge drinking... do YOU booze too? By Florent

Fancy a drink? Or ten? Binge drinking is a British phenomenon, which is spreading to France... The "aim" of binge drinking ("alcool défonce") is to drink as much alcohol as possible as quickly as possible. It is essentially prevalent among adolescents and young adults. Consequences can be serious: violence, accidents, coma...
A survey shows that 44% of boys and 34% of girls aged 17 say they have consumed five drinks during a party. 4,5% of boys and 1,2% of girls say they have even drunk ten or more drinks during a party...

I think this phenomenon is becoming a major scourge; if we do nothing to help the victims, they may become alcoholics and risk wasting their lives...


This is it: the world's BEST burger!

Here's my secret recipe for the ultimate hamburger (why is it called HAMburger when it's actually dead COW meat?!) :

Ingredients (in whatever quantity you fancy):

  • Minced beef (really good quality needed here: Angus from Scotland, or Salers, i.e. the breed from the Cantal area of France) with 5% fat only, or some non-meat nutty substitute for vegetarians
  • Two slices of thick REAL bread, lightly toasted
  • Proper ketchup (not cheap stuff full of sugar please)
  • Very thinly sliced tomato (not too much because it makes the bread soggy)
  • Mayonnaise (home-made if possible)
  • Dash of basalmic vinegar
  • Sliced salad fresh from the garden (if you have one)
  • Spring onion (white and green bits), thinly chopped
  • Thinly sliced cucumber
  • Drop of raisin seed oil
  • Dash of Worcestershire sauce
  • Melted cheese (only Saint-Nectaire will do, i.e. one of the best French cheeses!)
  • A splodge of some red pimento condiment...
  • Two leaves of basil

What to do:

Lightly cook the meat, melt the cheese, and toast the bread, then pile on the ingredients in whatever order you fancy... Enjoy!

Let me know what you think and sShare YOUR recipe (which cannot be better than mine) via the "comments" button below!

If you want further inspiration, click HERE!


What foods delight YOU?!

Detail of Hieronymus Bosch's The Garden of Eathly Delights


Help feed Africa!

Most of us in the wealthy "West" enjoy the bounties of the world... This is NOT the case for people in the Horn of Africa right now! It would be immoral to talk about food without thinking about and ACTING for those less fortunate than ourselves. People are starving in Somalia, in Sudan, in Ethiopia, in Kenya. PLEASE help them by supporting UNICEF or one of the other emergency charities!

Gooey figs and pairs!

A quick dessert for one greedy person!

  • cooking chocolate 
  • a teaspoon of thick cream
  • a fig in syrup, sliced
  • half a tinned pear cut into slices
  • ground cardamom
  • a small heap of "faisselle"  (typical dessert of central France, like a lumpish fromage frais, named after the strainer in which it is made).


  • in a non-stick sauce pan, melt the chocolate squares (about 5...) on low heat in the cream and a drop of the pear juice
  • add the sliced pear and fig and leave to warm up for about three minutes (mind the chocolate does not turn hard!)
  • add a pinch of cardamom powder
  • put the faisselle in a small bowl and poor the hot gooey fruit on top!
Careful, it's hot! 
Great with a spicy speculoos biscuit...